Tonight on "The Celebrity Apprentice" fans saw Omarosa leave the challenge to take care of a personal issue. On March 17, Omarosa and Claudia Jordan ended up battling it out on Twitter and they are obviously not fans now.
It started out with this tweet:"Tweeting from MCD's funeral- real classy Some friend! CJ! RT @claudiajordan: @OMAROSA Ha! I'm Shady? HYSTERICAL! I defended you for YEARS." The two are not getting along at all right now.
Claudia Jordan then tweeted something that looked like it was meant for her. She said: "Keep talking & Im going to tell what you REALLY did that disgusted ALL OF US. Editing saved some SOULS! #ThatIsAll #YouKnowYouWrong #Warning.
" If only fans could know what went on behind the scenes on this show. It sounds like there is a lot more to the battle between Omarosa and Claudia Jordan but fans may never know what is really going on there. It sounds like these two won't be inviting each other over for dinner anytime soon. Are you shocked to hear that they still don't get along? "
The Celebrity Apprentice" airs on Sundays at 8 p.m. CST each week. Don't miss next week's new episode. Read more: ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com